Hi, and, very warmly welcome to my own personal web site! ;-)
Name | Paul Ramnora |
Age | 53 |
Sex | M(ale) |
Location | London, UK |
Hobbies & Interests
Arts | Drawing, Painting, Sculpting, Origami, Photography, Film making, Animations/-etc. |
Computing/Operating | MS Office, Windows: 3.x/95/98/XP/8/10 |
Computing/Programming | BASIC, QBASIC, VBScript, VB6, VB.Net |
Computing/Programming/Web | HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery |
General education | English, Maths, Science |
Keep fit | Martial arts: Aikido/Krav Maga, Yoga, Meditation |
Technology | Hardware: PC, iPad, iPhone, -etc. |
Web Site Creation Workflow
- Write web page using Windows 10 Notepad editor.
- Test web page is ready for uploading/publishing...by viewing it inside of Chrome web browser.
- Upload page into GitHub...using GitHub for Desktop program.
- View external page works properly inside of Chrome web browser
...then, keep on repeating this same above cycle; starting from step 1.
This Web Site History
Time/Date | Page Name |
06:59 17/10/2016 | index.html/(Homepage) |
07:03 17/10/2016 | css01.css |
07:25 17/10/2016 | Diary |
07:57 17/10/2016 | About |
09:30 17/10/2016 | Links |
09:41 17/10/2016 | To do |
10:10 17/10/2016 | Timetable |
10:20 17/10/2016 | Courses |
16:41 17/10/2016 | Phone |
01:38 18/10/2016 | Art |
01:48 24/11/2016 | Essays |
01:48 24/11/2016 | Code01 |
My Art Web Sites
Description | Link |
DeviantArt | http://mruk4u.deviantart.com |
DeviantArt | http://mruk4u.drawspace.com |
ImageKind | http://www.imagekind.com/artists/paulramnora |
RedBubble | http://www.redbubble.com/people/paulramnora |
My Other Web Sites
Description | Link |
PaulRamnora.com | http://www.paulramnora.com |
PaulRamnora.co.uk | http://www.paulramnora.co.uk |
Ramnora.com | http://www.ramnora.com |
Ramnora.co.uk | http://www.ramnora.co.uk |
My Online Code Repositories
Description | Link |
GitHub | http://www.github.com/pramnora |
Social Networking
Description | Link |
http://www.facebook.com/paulramnora | |
http://www.twitter.com/pramnora | |
MySpace | https://myspace.com/pramnora |