Paul Ramnora Web Site


Programming - Beginners

Programming - Beginners

For the complete beginner, programming can seem like a very tough subject to go and study...mainly because there is so much to learn.

Thus, it is very highly confusing for the complete beginner to know exactly where on earth to start...?!

Personally speaking, I would say use whatever operating system that you can easily have the most frequent access it available inside the home/or else, outside in college/public library/internet high street shop.

In regards to learning programming, I would say start with learning web based programming; why, web based programming...because it allows you to both study/share code all over the internet...meaning the whole wide world.

Learn the 2 'presentation' languages, first: HTML(plain text)/CSS(decorative effects: colours/-etc.); next, add on programming by learning Javascript(which can be used to do both front end/back end programming).

NOTE: You don't necessarily need to learn the whole of an entire language in order to be able to work with it effectively; instead, you can very slowly work at learning each language in parts; meaning learn it bit by bit. It is also possible to work on learning multiple languages together, at once; that is provided they are linked: HTML/CSS/Javascript, are all inter-linked languages.

For example, the following single line of code combines together all 3 languages: HTML/CSS/Javascript.

<script>document.write("<p style='red'>Hello, world!</p>");</script>

You can see the above code output effect by clicking here; (please, remember to use your web browser [<-back] button to return back to this page).

Another very important part of learning programming; is knowing exactly where to go to find the best quality resources to learn from. If you wish to learn: HTML/CSS/Javascript; then, I would very highly recommend you visit the following web site; which contains detailed beginner tutorials for each of these 3 individual languages.

Once you've already mastered learning the basics of how to write web pages using HTML/CSS/Javascript; then, you can go on to study working with many different programming languages: including, 'front end' Javascript framework languages such as JQuery/or, even NODE.JS which is used on the 'back end'; you might even wish to consider adding databases to your web site using both: AJAX/Asynchronous Javascript And XML + JSON/JavaScript Object Notation; or, SQL/Structure Query Language/-etc.

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Programming - Intermediate


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Programming - Expert


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